Family-Friendly, Licensed & Reliable Pest Control & Removal Services
Our pest control professionals are North Carolina natives with specialized knowledge and training in solving our state’s pest problems. We use the most effective pest control methods that are safe for children, pets, and the environment.
get startedWe are a locally-owned, family-run business with our homebase in New Bern, NC. We know our state's pest problems in and out. Customers choose EastLine because of our:
Are you looking for a safe way to eliminate insect issues or get rid of rodents in your home? Then, give us a call! Our pest control services are specifically designed to treat and prevent pest problems common in North Carolina.
We use a highly effective, family-friendly pest management approach that brings you the instant relief you expect and thelong-term protection you deserve.
When you sign up for Standard Pest Control Service, it includes treatment for North Carolina's most common pests:
*Excludes German cockroaches, fire ants, carpenter ants, brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders.
Some pest control problems require specialized solutions. We offer Specialty Pest Control Services to give you peace of mind and tackle the toughest pest problems:
**Rodent control services includes rats and mice only.
Our initial visit is a comprehensive indoor/outdoor service designed to remove adult pests from your home and begin to create a barrier that protects your home.
Why is the initial treatment important?
Pests cause physical harm to your structure and property, spread germs, and make your living environment uncomfortable. Growing pests can pass through several access points including pipes and wires that penetrate the frame, expansion joints, base cracks, and doors and window sills. Once around your home, pests reproduce at higher rates not only because they have plenty of food and shelter, but also because they are protected against natural predators.
We will use a variety of treatment methods customized to the time of year, the form of construction, and scale of the problem or mitigation required during the flush out process. Your technician must perform an examination and inspection to determine your individual needs.
There can be up to 99 eggs waiting to hatch and reinfest your home for every adult flea in your home. One German female roach carrying an egg sac can, under ideal conditions, multiply over 400,000 roaches in just one year.
Why is the egg cycle treatment important?
The initial treatment will remove adult pests from your home. The egg cycle treatment will ensure that newly hatched pests do not infest your home again. Most insects are produced from eggs. Insect eggs have an outer wet-shell protection that makes treatment ineffective until insect hatches. From egg-laying to hatching can take about 10 days to several months.
Once insects hatch, they grow rapidly to adulthood through a series of stages and, if left untreated, start laying eggs themselves.
Most pests continue to grow and remain active throughout the year. In fact, when it cools down, a home typically becomes more vulnerable to inside pest attacks.
Combine that vulnerability with a wave of new seasonal pest problems and the need for year-round pest problems in this area of the country becomes critical.
Spring is a time that brings life and new growth for plants as well as insects and rodents. Due to the melting snow and warmer conditions, pests are very active. Spring is an essential time to create barriers around and in your home so when summer comes, your home is pest-free.
Summertime is not only a time for vacation, but also for an increase in activity from earwigs, wasps, bees, and spiders. We focus on removing these pests and building robust barriers so you can have peace of mind your home is pest-free while you’re on vacation.
Many pests head indoors in autumn to escape from the dropping temperatures into a warm, safe environment. Our focus during this season is strengthening the barrier around your home and handling spiders, earwigs, and other pests that migrate indoors.
During winter, most pests that survive the cold temperatures take residence in your home. We use a patented power duster to reach further into cracks and crevices to attack these pests and ensure they don't disturb your peace of mind during the holidays.
We provide safe and effective pest management services to protect your home or business in North Carolina.
Craven County
Brices Creek
Cove City
Fairfield Harbor
James City
New Bern
River Bend
Pamlico County
Minnesott Beach
Onslow County
Carteret County
Atlantic Beach
Cape Cartert
Emerald Isle
Morehead City
Pine Knoll Shores
Pitt County