October 10, 2024

Backyard Mosquito Reduction Tips: Keep the Buzz at Bay!

Summertime brings backyard barbecues, evening bonfires, summer pool parties, and unfortunately, those pesky, blood-sucking mosquitoes.

If you're tired of being the main course at  your own outdoor gatherings, it's time to take action. Here are some tried-and-true mosquito reduction tips:

1. Eliminate Standing Water 

Tip: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so it's crucial to eliminate any stagnant water around your yard. 

I once left a kiddie pool out for a week, and when I finally went to drain it, I was met with a mosquito army that could have given the Avengers a run for their money. Needless to say, that pool found a new home in the garage when not in use. 

2. Introduce Mosquito-Repelling Plants 

Tip: Certain plants, like citronella, lavender, and marigolds, naturally repel mosquitoes. Plant them around your yard and you may see a reduction in the number of mosquitos. 

Beware pet owners: I once planted lavender all around my patio, thinking it would be the ultimate mosquito repellent. Instead, I discovered that my dog had developed a newfound love for lavender and spent more time rolling in it than I did enjoying its mosquito-repelling properties. At least the dog smells fantastic! 

3. Use Fans to Keep Air Circulating 

Tip: Mosquitoes are weak fliers and can't handle strong breezes. Set up fans around your seating area to keep the air moving and the mosquitoes away. 

4. Light Some Citronella Candles 

Tip: Citronella candles can help keep mosquitoes at bay and add a nice ambiance to your outdoor space. 

I once got so carried away with citronella scented tiki torches and candles that my yard looked like a scene from a medieval torch-lit procession. While it was a bit over the top, the neighbors were impressed with my commitment to pest control (or maybe they were just concerned for my sanity). 

5. Install Bat Houses

Tip: Bats are natural predators of mosquitoes and can consume thousands in a single night.  Installing a bat house can help reduce the mosquito population. 

6. Wear Light-Colored Clothing 

Tip: Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, so wearing light-colored clothing can make you less appealing to them. 

One summer evening, I wore my favorite black t-shirt to a barbecue and quickly became the main attraction—for the mosquitoes. After dancing around swatting at my legs, I learned my lesson. Now, I stick to my light-colored summer wardrobe and let the mosquitoes find someone else to bother. 

7. Avoid Peak Mosquito Activity Times 

Tip: Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk. Plan your outdoor activities accordingly to avoid getting bitten. 

8. Call Eastline Pest Management  

Tip: Mosquitoes are resilient. They keep repopulating, and they fly in from the neighbors, woods, foliage, and let's face it… we live in a swamp in eastern NC! You can do some practical things to reduce populations, but you will not be completely comfortable until you get the team of professionals at Eastline to take a fully integrated pest management approach to keeping your backyard protected.  

Give us a call today and let's come up with an approach to keep the buzz at bay this summer!