November 20, 2023

North Carolina's Most Common Bug Problems

North Carolina is a beautiful state to call home. We have some of the country's best beaches and hiking trails. We get to enjoy all four seasons without the extremes of living further north or south. One of the downsides of living in a lush, green state with temperate weather is an abundance of pesky bugs. 

We have managed pest problems for homes and businesses across North Carolina. These are the top pests that we regularly treat for: 

Ants : Argentine Ants, House Ants, Odorous House Ants, & Pharaoh Ants. 

Ants are one of the most common indoor pests. They often find their way into homes and businesses in search of food or water. Most ants aren't harmful to humans, but Pharaoh Ants have been known to transmit diseases like Salmonella. Fire Ants can be a danger to people and pets. Our Standard Pest Protection service includes treatment for Argentine Ants, House Ants, Odorous House Ants, and Pharaoh Ants. We offer Specialty Pest Control services for Fire Ants and Carpenter Ants.

Centipedes & Millipedes

Centipedes and millipedes like dark, moist areas like basements. Because of this, homeowners often won’t realize they have a problem until they have a millipede or centipede infestation. While these pests don’t bite, sting, or transmit diseases, they can be a nuisance. 


These vocal pests aren’t harmful or dangerous when they live outside, but they can cause damage to your clothes or linens if they get inside. Many types of crickets, including house crickets, field crickets, and camel crickets, will eat fabric made of cotton, silk, wool, fur or linen. 


Earwigs have a frightening appearance with pinchers at their rear. These pests often enter homes and businesses during the summer (in July and August). Even though they look dangerous, they aren’t harmful to people, pets or property. They can give off a foul odor, and large numbers of earwigs can damage seedlings and flowering plants.

Ground Beetles

There are many varieties of ground beetles in North Carolina. Some are entirely harmless, while others can cause serious harm to plants and crops. Regular pest control services are the best way to keep ground beetle populations under control to prevent an infestation.

Pillbugs / Sowbugs

Pillbugs or sowbugs aren’t actually bugs. They are soil-dwelling crustaceans. When their populations are managed, they play an essential role in maintaining soil health by eating decaying plant matter. But, large populations of pillbugs can destroy seedlings, new roots, and leaves, fruits, or vegetables that touch the ground.

Roaches: American Roaches, Smokey Brown Roaches, & Oriental Roaches

Cockroaches are a serious health threat. These filthy pests can spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria (including Salmonella and E.coli), 7 kinds of human pathogens, and 6 kinds of parasitic worms. Their spiny legs and body pick up germs from sewage and garbage that can be transferred onto food and cooking surfaces. 


These tiny, silvery pests with a fish-like appearance and movements can be very destructive to clothing, upholstery, and paper goods, including books and wallpaper. Silverfish tend to feed on paper items, glue, clothing, and food items (especially rolled oats and flour). They are notorious for infesting homes and commercial buildings, such as stores, libraries, and offices.

Slugs & Snails

Slugs and snails may be the most destructive pests in your garden or landscaping. They can cause severe damage to turfgrass seedlings, ripening fruits near the ground like tomatoes and strawberries, young plants, and some fruit trees, especially citrus fruit trees. Our Standard Pest Protection service helps protect your garden and landscaping from these pests.

Stink Bugs

There are many kinds of stink bugs in the USA, but the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) is the most common. Not only do these invasive pests emit a foul odor when threatened or crushed, but they can also damage and spread diseases to plants, fruit trees, and vegetables. They often invade homes and businesses in the fall as temperatures outside drop. 


There are around 700 species of spiders in North Carolina. While you might be grateful for their role in managing other bug populations, you probably don’t want them as a house guest. Spiders can bite humans and pets. Though most spiders’ venom is not poisonous to humans, it can trigger an allergic reaction ranging from mild to severe depending upon an individual's sensitivity to it. 


Springtails or snow fleas are small, jumpy insects similar in appearance to fleas. While they are often confused for fleas, springtails don’t bite people or pets. They also don’t spread diseases or damage household furnishings. Instead, they like moist indoor areas like kitchen sinks, bathtubs, and houseplant soil. They are an unpleasant household guest because of their jumpy nature.


Weevils are unique-looking beetles with a long-snout known for infesting kitchens and pantries. These everyday household pests often infest flour, cornmeal, rice and other dry food goods. Once they’ve made a home in your kitchen or pantry, weevils can quickly multiply and spread. 

What's the best way to get rid of these pests?

With so many common pests, consistent pest control treatments are the best solution for a bug-free home. We recommend looking for a service that includes treatment for these top pests in their standard package. You shouldn't have to pay extra whenever you need treatment for an everyday pest problem.

If you need comprehensive, family and pet-friendly pest control service, contact EastLine for a free inspection and estimate. Our standard quarterly pest control includes over 25 common pests, including all the insects on this list. We use highly effective pest management approaches that are child, pet and environment-friendly. Our pest management services bring instant relief and long-term protection. 

Call (252)633-1719 today to schedule a free inspection and get an estimate!